Thursday, November 3, 2011

About being a Mom...

Always try to smile when your child enters the room.  They need to see that they really do matter and make your heart happy.

NEVER tell a sad child that they shouldn't be sad.  If they feel it, it is real to them no matter how silly it may seem to you.  Validate their feelings, comfort them and offer to help them feel better.  Sometimes, that's all it takes to make them happy again.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

About Gift Giving...

Always wrap gifts beautifully.  Use quality ribbon and hand write a note on every card.  That way, even if you are giving a crappy gift, it will still feel special because you took the time to write a personal note and put some thought into wrapping that crap :)

About Cooking...

The only salad dressing you ever need is olive oil and red wine vinegar.  If you wanna make it fancy, add a little lemon juice.  Always add the O&V, toss, then the S&P and re-toss.

When preparing veggies like carrots or potatoes as a side dish, be sure to prepare at least the same number of servings as people you are feeding.